[GIS] How to use the Grass modules v.net.xxxx from within QGIS


I'm trying to create a an area that can be reached within a certain amount of time/distance from a single (or multiple) points. To do this i'm using the GRASS tool v.net.iso (via the GUI). I've succesfully made a Grass routable network with two layers (arcs and nodes) via the v.net tool.

The trouble starts when I want to use the v.net.iso tool. I select the input arcs and input nodes to be my created network. But than I have to input "cats (select from the map or using their id)" When I hover mouseover, it sais the following: "Categories of centres (points on nodes) to which net will be allocated. Layer for this categories is givan by nlayer option.

Do I just type the coordinates from one of the nodes? e.g. "xcoordinate|ycoordinate". Because if I do this, I get the following error: "Not enough centres for selected nlayer. Nothing will be allocated."

And can I let the cost isolines be dependant on an attribute? Or can I only manually enter the cost isoline in mapunits?

Best Answer

I managed to get it working. Let me elaborate. I had to add an aditional nlayer to the network. I did this with the v.net tool. Thus in the end i had 3 layers in the network. 1. the lines being the network itself. 2. the nodes at the end of each line segement. 3. the point i wanted to use as center of the isochrone. (you can check this via the browser by opening the network database) Then with the identify feature I was able to identify the 'cat' of the node i wanted to use as center. This 'cat' (in this case 1, which is guess means it is the first node layer other than the nodes needed for the calculations) i used as cat input in the v.net.iso gui. This gave me the results i wanted.

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