[GIS] How to use ‘reclass’ in GRASS


It could be user error, but for some reason, the reclass tool is just hanging and hanging…

QGIS 1.8
Compiled against GDAL/OGR 1.9.2
Ubuntu 12.04.1

  • Running the tool from the Sextante toolbox
  • Input is a 10' cellsize raster ~10mi x 10mi in area
  • grass region cellsize = 10
  • Reclass file is in order from what I can gather from the help

When run:
– There is no process operating in the system monitor
– Dialogue hangs and cursor shows progress spinny thing…

Not sure what else to say?

Does the GRASS tool run from this dialogue on a .tif? Or does it have to be run from the GRASS tools specifically?


Best Answer

Sextante is still in active development and most likely there are a lot of bugs that occur in certain situations and on different systems.

In the meantime try to use the SAGA sextante toolset. It also has a reclass tool called "Reclassify Grid Values" in the "Grid - Tools" toolbox.

And don't forget to submit a bug to the qgis development team.

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