[GIS] How to use a variable to specify which field to update with arcpy.UpdateCursor

arcgis-10.0arcpyms access

I am writing a script that cycles through several different point shapefiles, finds how many lie within a given area and the writes the outcome to a table in an Access database. I've used an search cursor to look up the point file names, which is then saved to a variable. I'd then like to use this variable to specify which field to update in another table. Here is my code:

selection = 1
while selection < 3:
        rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("C:\\MyDB.mdb\\Source_Class_combinations") #opens search cursor on the info table
        for row in rows:
            if row.Order == selection:  
                destfield = row.DestField # extracts the name of the destination field
        del row  
        del rows 
        print "Defining variables..."
        ptfile = str(destfield)+"_lyr"
        rowtoud = "row."+str(destfield) #create the variable with the field to update

        # Process: Select Layer By Location
        print "select by location"
        arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(ptfile, "INTERSECT", neighfile, "", "NEW_SELECTION")
        count = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(ptfile).getOutput(0))
        print "count = " + str(count)

        #Update the number of points selected in the neighbourhoods table
        print "updating count..."
        rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor("C:\\MyDB.mdb\\neighbourhoods") 
        for row in rows:
            if row.StudyID == str(neigh):
                rowtoud = count
        del rows
        del row
        selection +=1

The selection all seems to work fine, but the table is not updated and no error message is returned. Can I use a variable like this?

I'm using ArcGIS 10, python 2.6, and Access 2007

Thanks, Flo

Best Answer

Try using the setValue(fieldName, object) method with your field name variable.

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