[GIS] How to transform some KML data to Sql Server 2008 using FME

coordinate systemfmekmlsql server

I've just downloaded FME 14 day trial. I'm trying to see how easy/hard it is to transform some KML data (a simple neighbourhood shape) into my Sql Server 2008 database using FME.

I sorta don't even know where to start .. blush.

The closest I got was

  1. New Workspace Wizard
  2. Source file => KML. (OGCKML)
  3. Destination => Sql Server 2008 (MSSQL_SPATIAL) + EPSG:4326

After some other questions which I didn't really understand, it then hit PLAY and it did create a table called Document but it had a single field which was NULL. I know my KML has data in it .. cause i've loaded it up into Quantum GIS also … and that worked.

So – could anyone help me please?

Are there any tutorials I could reference to learn if this product is what we need.

I know there's other ways to do this but I want to keep this post only talking about FME and how to use that to do what we're trying.

SIDE NOTE: Any links to pricing? None of us could find any, also … :~(

Best Answer

Check out the Learning page on the Safe Software web site.

There are tutorials for both the basic Desktop product (I recommend doing that first) and then one for Spatial Databases. Those two should get you going in no time.

We (I work at Safe) don't put prices out there because there are so many licensing options (and resellers) and we want to make sure users get the product they need. There are also fixed and floating licenses which complicates matters. To write to SQL Server you'll need a 'database' edition (there are several with different names but basically the same functionality).

I suspect the price will be a little higher than the numbers quoted here which I think would be for the lower-level Professional Edition. But I don't work for the sales team so I can't really be sure. But there's no secret to them; just contact our sales team or your local reseller and they will be happy to give you a price.