[GIS] How to sum up values within grid polygon in QGIS


I have a grid full of hexagons that I am trying to bin points. However, instead of using the Vector > Analysis Tools > Points in Polygon which counts the number of point inside each hexagon, I'm trying to sum up the values of other attributes for each hexagon. Better yet, it would be great if I could do this as well as count the points inside each hexagon.

For example, my datatset is formatted like this:

ID  Lat  Long  Score
1  43.1 -431.5 .75
2  44.3 -431.6 .89
3  40.8 -429.7 .12
4  100.1  80.9 .36
5  99.8   76.1 .65
6  91.2   75.9 .24

What I'm hoping will be something like this:

Hexagon Sum   N
  1     1.76  3
  2     1.25  3

Best Answer

After alot of trial and error, I found my answer. For GIS beginners, like myself, what I was looking for was a spatial join, which could be done easily with QGIS:

Vector > Data Management Tools > Join Attributes by Location