Address Parsing in ArcGIS – Split Single Address Field into House No., Direction, Name, Suffix


I have to do some massaging of our parcel data to make it usable by a program in sheriff helicopters. The program requires one of the following address formats within the fields:

enter image description here

Our addresses are currently in one field:
ex: 1234 W Main St.

Is there a way to automate the splitting of the fields into either of these desired formats?

I can imagine the two field format would be easier by just calling for a split after the numbers, but could also cause a problem for streets such as 1st Ave, etc.

Best Answer

Instead of using multiple RegExes to parse addresses, just use Esri's out of the box tool that is designed for this task, Standardize Addresses. It's available at all license levels and my experience with it has been positive.

Esri image

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