[GIS] How to split multiple lines into equal parts or overcome split tool limitation using Basic or Standard license


I would like to split multiple lines into equal aproximately 10m lengths. (Line length / 10m = number of segments) The split tool can only split one selected feature at a time. To overcome this I can merge multiple lines into a single multigeometry feature then run the split tool on the merged line. Works fine until I run into what seems to be a limitation – the split tool can only split into a maximum of 999 equal parts. When I enter a higher number the OK button goes dim.

Is there a workaround to overcome this limitation or another way to split mupliple lines into equal parts? Basic or Standard licence only.

Figure 1 – Split Tool dialog showing 999 equal parts:

enter image description here

Figure 2 – Split Tool dialog showing 1000 equal parts:

enter image description here

Best Answer

There is the "Proportion" tool in the advanced editing toolbar that splits polylines by distance. It requires a standard or advanced license.