[GIS] How to sort points from a SpatialPoints object over a SpatialLines object according to line direction using R


I have a very big dataset of points (SpatialPoints object) over a line (SpatialLines object). I need to sort these points following the line direction.

Note: the number of points and coordinates that build the SpatialLines object are not necessarily the same of the SpatialPoints object.

I tried this (How to make a SpatialLines object from undefined – but known – spatial sequence of points in R?) using only the SpatialPoints object but the dataset is too big and my computer collapse (can't allocate all the data to memory).

An example using a small dataset sample:

# Load packages

# Define projection
epsg.32721 <- "+proj=utm +zone=21 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"

# Load data points
x <- c(794801.3, 795014.1, 795055.7, 795051.1, 795070.9, 794885.1, 795102.9, 795131.9, 795127.4, 795192.6, 795196.3, 795219.3, 795283.2, 795307.2, 795307.2, 795307.7, 795327.7, 795330.2, 795360.6, 795355.7, 794779.8)
y <- c(6194137, 6194211, 6194192, 6194192, 6194202, 6194210, 6194207, 6194217, 6194217, 6194231, 6194234, 6194275, 6194279, 6194713, 6194713, 6194714, 6194795, 6194335, 6194869, 6194865, 6194109)

# Create SpatialPoints object
spatialPointsObject <- SpatialPoints(coords = cbind(x,y), proj4string = CRS(epsg.32721))

# Load data lines
x2 <- c(794779.8, 794790.6, 794795.7, 794801.3, 794810.2, 794815.9, 794828.5, 794838.2, 794846.4, 794844.0, 794850.5, 794858.6, 794869.3, 794877.9, 794886.3, 794895.5, 794904.8, 794914.9, 794926.2, 794938.3, 794948.1, 794958.7, 794969.6, 794978.4, 794987.1, 794999.1, 795008.2, 795017.6, 795025.5, 795032.2, 795045.8, 795055.7, 795064.3, 795073.5, 795083.1, 795093.2, 795103.4, 795112.6, 795122.2, 795131.9, 795142.3, 795152.4, 795162.3, 795168.3, 795178.9, 795187.8, 795196.3, 795200.5, 795207.6, 795213.0, 795219.3, 795268.8, 795275.3, 795283.2, 795289.9, 795308.4, 795313.5, 795320.6, 795330.2, 795344.0, 795344.7, 795350.1, 795354.6, 795367.8, 795372.8, 795377.6, 795367.6, 795367.5, 795377.5, 795372.5, 795372.5, 795367.6, 795367.6, 795367.6, 795367.5, 795367.5, 795367.5, 795372.6, 795372.7, 795377.6, 795377.6, 795377.6, 795377.5, 795377.5, 795372.5, 795372.6, 795368.5, 795363.0, 795362.5, 795362.1, 795363.1, 795307.2, 795315.1, 795318.8, 795325.1, 795325.9, 795328.8, 795334.4, 795331.9, 795334.2, 795338.3, 795346.1, 795353.1, 795365.9, 795373.4, 795389.3, 795388.9, 795390.4, 795394.7, 795400.2, 795410.4, 795411.0, 795416.5, 795413.8, 795422.3, 795423.4, 795424.4, 795427.2, 795427.0, 795431.5)    
y2 <- c(6194109, 6194113, 6194126, 6194137, 6194141, 6194142, 6194146, 6194155, 6194160, 6194183, 6194191, 6194197, 6194199, 6194204, 6194210, 6194215, 6194221, 6194227, 6194232, 6194227, 6194227, 6194227, 6194227, 6194222, 6194222, 6194215, 6194210, 6194211, 6194207, 6194206, 6194192, 6194192, 6194200, 6194202, 6194207, 6194207, 6194207, 6194212, 6194217, 6194217, 6194222, 6194227, 6194222, 6194222, 6194224, 6194228, 6194234, 6194242, 6194264, 6194269, 6194275, 6194270, 6194278, 6194279, 6194291, 6194294, 6194309, 6194317, 6194335, 6194350, 6194360, 6194369, 6194378, 6194393, 6194410, 6194426, 6194441, 6194452, 6194463, 6194475, 6194487, 6194497, 6194507, 6194517, 6194526, 6194536, 6194546, 6194549, 6194556, 6194567, 6194577, 6194588, 6194605, 6194616, 6194623, 6194637, 6194654, 6194671, 6194672, 6194683, 6194692, 6194713, 6194736, 6194744, 6194751, 6194765, 6194814, 6194819, 6194829, 6194836, 6194844, 6194850, 6194863, 6194874, 6194889, 6194903, 6194910, 6194922, 6194930, 6194940, 6194947, 6194956, 6194968, 6194980, 6194986, 6194997, 6195006, 6195016, 6195036, 6195051)

# Create SpatialLines object
spatialLinesObject <- SpatialLines(LinesList = list(Lines(slinelist = list(Line(coords = cbind(x2,y2))), ID = "1")), proj4string = CRS(epsg.32721))

# Plot SpatialPoints + SpatialLines + coordinates(SpatialLines)
plot(spatialLinesObject, xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", main = "SpatialPoints + SpatialLines + coordinates(SpatialLines)")
plot(SpatialPoints(coordinates(spatialLinesObject)), pch = 19, col = "black", add = TRUE, cex = 0.4)
plot(spatialPointsObject, col = "green", add = TRUE)
text(coordinates(spatialPointsObject), labels = seq_along(spatialPointsObject), cex = 0.7, pos = 3)

I need to get a SpatialPoints object where the first point should be the Point 21, second point should be Point 1, third point should be Point 6 and so on: see this

Best Answer

I could answer my question traveling through every line segment in the SpatialLines object and finding the intersected points from the SpatialPoints object. I made a function that is all explained by comments.

# Load packages

# Vector norm
norm_vec <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))    

# OrderPointsAlongLine function
OrderPointsAlongLine <- function(spatialLinesObject, spatialPointsObject) {

  lineCoords = as.data.frame(coordinates(spatialLinesObject))
  lineCoordsLength = nrow(lineCoords)

  # Make a buffer 
  spatialPointsObjectBuffer = gBuffer(spgeom = spatialPointsObject, width = 1, byid = TRUE)

  # Aux list and data frame
  cellsAndDistances = list()
  cd = data.frame('cell' = NA, 'dist' = NA)

  # Go sequentially through every line segment in the SpatialLine object looking for which SpatialPoints are intersected
  for(i in 1:(lineCoordsLength - 1)) {

    # Unommented: show iteration number
    # cat(paste("\n iteration", i, sep = ""))

    # Line segment points
    p0 = lineCoords[i,]
    p1 = lineCoords[i+1,]

    # Build line segment
    SL = SpatialLines(LinesList = list(Lines(Line(coords = rbind(p0,p1)), ID = paste(i, sep = ""))), proj4string = CRS(epsg.32721))

    # Find intersected points with line segment
    intersect = which(gIntersects(spgeom1 = spatialPointsObjectBuffer, spgeom2 = SL, byid = TRUE))

    # Points intersected
    p2 = spatialPointsObject[intersect,]

    p2Length = nrow(p2@coords)

    # If there is almost one point intersected
    if(p2Length != 0) {

      # If there are more than one intersected points
      for(j in 1:p2Length) {

        # Commented: show sub-iteration number
        # cat(paste("\n sub-iteration", j, sep = ""))

        cd[j,] = data.frame('cell' = intersect[j], 'dist' = norm_vec(coordinates(p2)[j,] - p0))


    # Order by distance
    data.table::setorder(cd, dist) 
    cellsAndDistances[[i]] = cd


  # Bind list into one data farme
  cellsAndDistancesBind = do.call("rbind", cellsAndDistances)

  # Remove duplicated
  cellsAndDistancesBind <- cellsAndDistancesBind[-which(duplicated(cellsAndDistancesBind$cell)),]

  # Return


# Call function
orderedPoints <- OrderPointsAlongLine(spatialLinesObject = spatialLinesObject, spatialPointsObject = spatialPointsObject)

# Plots
plot(spatialLinesObject, xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", main = "", col = "green")
plot(spatialPointsObject[orderedPoints$cell,], add = TRUE, pch = 19, cex = 0.5)
text(coordinates(spatialPointsObject[orderedPoints$cell,]), labels = seq_along(spatialPointsObject[orderedPoints$cell,]), cex = 0.75, pos = 1)

ordered points along line

Improvements are welcome!