GDAL Calc Windows – How to Setup GDAL Calc for Command Line Use on Windows


I've searched the web extensively (e.g. here) but I am not able to find any documentation on how to setup

When I try to run from my command line e.g.: -A input1.tif -B input2.tif –outfile=result.tif

i simply get prompted with which program i want to open the file.
how do i setup up so that I can run it from my command line? Or where can i find documentation about it.


  • i have newest version of python
  • i have newest version of QGIS (3.0)
  • i have newest version of python (2.7.14)(using spyder IDE(3.2.6))
  • i have newest version of GDAL (2.2.4)
  • running on windows

Best Answer

If you have OSGeo4W installed (which normally comes with QGIS) You can "directly" run with the OSGeo4W shell from the windows command shell by using something like:

C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.6>OSGeo4W.bat gdal_calc -help

Or you can also use the OSGeo4W Shell:

Start first the OSGeo4W Shell from the installed programs menu.

enter image description here

The list that you get with o-help contains gdal_calc

enter image description here

And you can start gdal_calc simply with "gdal_calc"

enter image description here