[GIS] How to set center of map in ArcGIS API for JavaScript using Lat Long


I am using Arcgis javascript API for my map where map is coming from arcgis online using map by ID.
Now I want to set map center using Lat long,For this I am using this method to set map center


But this method is not working for me.
Does anybody know how to set map center using Lat Long In Arcgis javascript API.

Best Answer

the centerAt() method expects a point geometry object.

//pass long,lat and don't forget to load the appropriate AMD module
map.centerAt(new Point(-118.15, 33.80));
map.centerAt(new Point(-118.15, 33.80, new SpatialReference(4326)));

this is mentioned in the API reference: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/jsapi/map-amd.html#centerat

the object can be constructed using WGS84 coordinates without specifying a spatial reference, but it doesn't hurt anything to include it.
