[GIS] How to select island (donut hole) polygons witin the same polygon layer


i have a dataset containing many polygons. In this dataset some polygons have other polygons (as a donut) inside of them. So those island polgons are contained by only one polygon but it originated from the same layer and has the same attributes. I want to select and merge them but i dont know how to select/find them. It is possible to select polygons based on the number of donuts inside of them?

enter image description here

Best Answer

If your ultimate aim is to remove all of the islands and if the island polygons have the same attributes and assuming you are using ArcGIS then you can use the Dissolve tool and bypass the need to select them:

ArcGIS dissolve

QGIS has a tool also called dissolve which will also allow you to select and attribute field to base the dissolve on:

QGIS Dissolve

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