[GIS] How to save imagery from online raster service for offline use


QGIS allows me to connect to free map services like ESRI's 'world imagery'.

I would like to save a certain part of it (decided by map extent) in the highest zoom level available in the service for later offline use.

this is for a purely non-commercial personal project. I intend to create a raster service for a few friends and myself in a connected environment. on this we want to overlay data related to some public service related work we are doing.

could someone tell me
a) if I can save the relevant raster images using QGIS
b) if yes, how to do it and in what format should I save those so that I can create a raster service from it

Best Answer

You can try SAS Planet software to save sattelite imagery of a certain place specifying coordinates or drawing a box. You have a lot of source options to choose, such as Yandex, Google Maps, Bing Maps etc.

You can choose formats like jpg, png, kmz. But I use ecw format to use in Arcmap. There are tutorials how to use it and its quite easy.

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