[GIS] How to sample raster datasets at ALL points


I know it is possible to use tools like ArcGis's 'extract sample' tool to extract values at a given number of points. I would like to sample every pixel in a raster, and drill down through all other rasters (which have the same extent and resolution). How could I do this? I can use QGIS, Arc, or Idrisi.

Would the best way be to generate regular points at a spacing of 'RESOLUTION' and an initial offset of 'RESOLUTION/2'?

Best Answer

The Raster to Point tool in ArcGIS will create a point at the centre of each cell. Then you can use Sample.

You could change the resolution of your raster and create points for that with RESOLUTION/2 and combine the points. But I don't see the need. Any point created with resolution/2 will fall within the original pixel. Or on the edge of two pixels.