PyQGIS – Running QGIS Algorithms with Selected Features Using PyQGIS


In the QGIS GUI, the select-by-location algorithm has a choice to only use the selected features from the INTERSECT layer. How can I do this (or use any other algorithm) in a python script for QGIS 3? I do not want to save temporal layer as mentioned in Run QGIS Model on selected features only?

I have been running this script but it does not use the selected features.

import processing
input_vlayer = 'Some path'
intersect_vlayer = 'Some path'

input_vlayer = iface.addVectorLayer(input_vlayer,  'input_vlayer', 'ogr')
intersect_vlayer = iface.addVectorLayer(intersect_vlayer,  
                                       'intersect_vlayer', 'ogr')

# Pass the first 5 features
for i in range(5):

    # Select the features
    # Set input params
    params = {'INPUT':input_vlayer,
              'INTERSECT':intersect_vlayer, # USE HERE THE SELECTED FEATURES
    result ="qgis:selectbylocation", params)

    # Remove the current selection and then pass to the next one

Also, from QGIS select by location doesn't use selected features only they mentioned to enable [Processing] > [Options] > [General] > [Use only selected features]. However I can't see this option in my qgis version. I'm using Madeira 3.4.3
enter image description here

Best Answer

For only use selected feature use QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition

your code,but the input is only selected features

import processing
input_vlayer = 'Some path'
intersect_vlayer = 'Some path'

input_vlayer = iface.addVectorLayer(input_vlayer,  'input_vlayer', 'ogr')
intersect_vlayer = iface.addVectorLayer(intersect_vlayer,  
                                       'intersect_vlayer', 'ogr')

for i in range(5):

    # Select the features
    # Set input params
    params = {'INPUT':input_vlayer,
              'INTERSECT':QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition(, True), # USE HERE THE SELECTED FEATURES
    result ="qgis:selectbylocation", params)

    # Remove the current selection and then pass to the next one