[GIS] How to reverse geocode without Google


I have a basic tracking system i've written with OpenLayers using google and openstreetmap and I want to use geocoding to get street names etc

However, I'm a bit confused.
I was hoping there was a easy/free way with OL and OSM however, i'm not sure there is

I've tried using Google, but it doesn't work with bulk data.
It allows me to get about 3 or 4 back and then doesn't work for the rest….. i think they require a wait period between each request

Can anyone recommend a free way to geocode without Google?
please be patient with my lack on knowledge in this areas

Best Answer

I can suggest gisgraphy that you can install it locally and do the number of request you want without any limitation, the data are from geonames and openstreetmap. so it is totally free as you need. you can also add /edit/ remove data via a GUI. (those kind of things you can not do with google ;)