ERDAS Imagine – How to Remove Band from Stack in ERDAS 2013

digital image processingerdas-imaginelandsat 8remote sensing

I have a Landsat 8 scene where I have stacked 11 bands. I need to remove one band from the stacked layer. Is there a toolbox in ERDAS 2013 that allows me to take out a band?

I am aware that ENVI 5.1 has a tool, resize, that does this. The problem if I save the new file in ENVI and I want to open the file in ERDAS it may not read properly.

Best Answer

Use the Layer Stack tool in reverse by using your 11 band stack as the input and selecting only the bands you want in the output. For example, in the attached screenshot I added bands 1, 2, 3 to the stack (omitting band 4).

enter image description here

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