[GIS] How to read MrSID files in Python (using gdal)


I have to read a large number of MrSID images and process them in Python. I usually access GIS file formats using the gdal application and the gdal Python library. However, the gdal package for Python does not come with MrSID support (I use the portable WinPython and the precompiled gdal package from here). Then I also use QGIS that comes with gdal support: here, gdal does support MrSID out of the box (command: gdalinfo.exe –formats).

I was wondering if there is a gdal package for Python that does support MrSID out of the box, or do I have to compile it from the source (using Windows 8.1 64-bit).

I tried to just copy the QGIS dll "…\gdalplugins\gdal_MrSID.dll" to the same folder in my Python gdal library, but this makes the command "gdalinfo.exe –formats" to stop with an error.

This is the code that I use in Python to see if gdal supports MrSID:

import gdal

for i in range(1, gdal.GetDriverCount()):
    drv = gdal.GetDriver(i)
    print drv.GetDescription(),

Using this after implementing Kersten's solution, the list does not include the entry "MrSID". Calling the command "gdalinfo –formats" however, does list the entry "MrSID (rov): Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database (MrSID)".

Best Answer

Instead of using the binaries provided by Christopher Gohlke you can use the GDAL binaries from GISInternals:

For your case you would need:

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