[GIS] How to re-project coordinates in a gml on-the-fly in Geoserver

coordinate systemgeoserveropenlayers-2

I am using Geoserver to get featureinfo, but sometimes I want to re-project the native SRS in the output gml.
The request is a (WMS) "GetFeatureInfo" with INFO_FORMAT: application/vnd.ogc.gml.

I am aware of the option to set the "declared SRS" when publishing a layer in Geoserver, see below:
geoserver settings

But is there a way to re-project the coordinates on-the-fly?

EDIT: Below is two diffrent WMS GetFeatureInfo requests that shows the problem. The first request has Srs=EPSG:4326 and bbox in the same srs and the second request has in Srs=EPSG:900913 and the bbox in in the same srs.

  1. http://demo.opengeo.org/geoserver/wms?REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml

  2. http://demo.opengeo.org/geoserver/wms?REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml

Both requests return the same gml with coordinates in EPSG:4326. I would expect the second request to have coordinates in EPSG:900913. As mentioned I can set the "declared SRS" in Geoserver, but what if I want to get the gml in another srs then the one declared. By on-the-fly I meant: Ask in one srs get the coordinates in the same srs without setting the declared srs. I hope that the question in more clear now.

Best Answer

I am aware of the option to set the "declared SRS" when publishing a layer in Geoserver, [...] But is there a way to re-project the coordinates on-the-fly?

That's exactly how you enable on-the-fly reprojection.

Reprojection that's not "on-the-fly" would mean that you have to upload the layer in the correct/final CRS.


GetFeatureInfo() was not designed to retrieve the vector geometry of objects. It will only return the original data (geometry and attributes). If you need reprojected vector geometries, you'll have to use a WFS.

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