ArcMap Feature Window – How to Programmatically Display ‘Create Features’ Dockable Window in ArcMap 10


When I start editing in ArcMap 10, by default the "Create Features" window is automatically opened and docked. Stopping the edit session hides this window.

When I use the IEditor:StartEditing method this does not display the "Create Features" window however if it is already displayed the IEditor:StopEditing method hides it.

How can I Start Editing programmatically and display the "Create Features" window?

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Best Answer

This should do the trick (C#):

  var dockableWindowManager = (IDockableWindowManager)_app; // _app is an IApplication reference
  var uid = new UIDClass() { Value = "esriEditor.CreateFeatureDockWin" };
  var window = dockableWindowManager.GetDockableWindow(uid);