[GIS] How to process Sentinel-2 data from AWS

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Sentinel-2 imagery granules downloaded from AWS archives (http://sentinel-pds.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com) have a little different data structure than the original granule sub-folders of ESA SAFE product. Consequently, it seems the SNAP tool seems not able to import the data as one product with metadata – and I need to process the data to level 2 (atmospherically corrected ground reflectance). Is there a way? Or is there a site which allows downloading individual granules in original SAFE data structure?

Best Answer

Thanks to marcusN who pointend me to the ESA announcemet: https://scihub.copernicus.eu/news/News00092 There will be format change shortly, which means also, that the product will be delivered on per tile (granule) basis on ESA data hub.

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