[GIS] How to populate SQL options for ModelBuilder parameter from ArcSDE feature class


I am creating a very basic model tool for a class project and I am running into trouble getting the SQL values to populate. I have read the ArcGIS 10: How to populate SQL options for parameter in tool post. If I need to convert this model into a script tool I can but I was wondering if I can change something in the model before attempting to make it a script. here is a screen shot of the model.enter image description here
enter image description here
Basically I just want the user to be able to open the SQL builder and select NAME = "" but the values and fields are not populated I noticed in the other post you can specify to populate from another parameter in the script. Is there anyway to do this in the model if not what would I set as my feature parameter if I created a script. As you may have guessed I am a beginner with python and model builder so I appologize if this is a "dumb question".
here is a screen shot of the layers att table if that helpsenter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

One of my previous questions regarding building value list filters in modelbuilder may help.

This will allow the user to choose from a list of available options you have built into the parameter/model.

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