ArcPy – How to Place Points Along a Line with Specific Offset Using Python/ArcPy


I have a street shapefile with information about the street name, house number from / to on the left side and house number from / to on the right side.

My aim is to create a point shapefile that visualizes all houses along the streets. A first prototype is already implemented. With a Search-cursor I am reading out the total number of houses by building the range by using the paramaters house number from / to on the left side and house number from / to on the right side. The total amount is divided by the length of the street so that I have a value that show me in which distance I have to place the points along the line to map all houses.

The result is that all house numbers are placed like a string of pearls.

Is there a way to place the numbers with an specific offset along the line?

The script is written in python using arcpy and ArcGIS 10.1 SP1.


Best Answer

In case this is helpful to others, i was able to create the following python code using arcpy which will place points at a specified interval based on an input line feature layer.

import arcpy

line_lyr = 'my_line'
pt_lyr =  "my_point"
interval = 200

insertCursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(pt_lyr, ["SHAPE@XY"]) # this is the pre-existing pt feature class

with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(line_lyr, ['OID@','SHAPE@','NAME']) as searchCursor: # this is the line feature on which the points will be based
    for row in searchCursor:
        lengthLine = round(row[1].length) # grab the length of the line feature, i'm using round() here to avoid weird rounding errors that prevent the numberOfPositions from being determined
        if int(lengthLine % interval) == 0:
            numberOfPositions = int(lengthLine // interval) - 1
            numberOfPositions = int(lengthLine // interval)

        print "lengthLine", lengthLine
        print "numberOfPositions", numberOfPositions
        if numberOfPositions > 0: # > 0 b/c we don't want to add a point to a line feature that is less than our interval
            for i in range(numberOfPositions): # using range, allows us to not have to worry about
                distance = (i + 1) * interval
                xPoint = row[1].positionAlongLine(distance).firstPoint.X
                yPoint = row[1].positionAlongLine(distance).firstPoint.Y
                xy = (xPoint, yPoint)
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