[GIS] How to perform one-step transformation in python

coordinate systempython

I would like to perform transformation for this example data set.
I have here four pairs of adjustment points and want to transform given point coordinates from primary system to secondary system according to adjustment.

primary_system1 = (3531820.440, 1174966.736, 5162268.086)
primary_system2 = (3531746.800, 1175275.159, 5162241.325)
primary_system3 = (3532510.182, 1174373.785, 5161954.920)
primary_system4 = (3532495.968, 1175507.195, 5161685.049)

secondary_system1 = (6089665.610, 3591595.470, 148.810)
secondary_system2 = (6089633.900, 3591912.090, 143.120)
secondary_system3 = (6089088.170, 3590826.470, 166.350)
secondary_system4 = (6088672.490, 3591914.630, 147.440)

#transform this point
x = 3532412.323 
y = 1175511.432
z = 5161677.111<br>

eventually, how do I compute helmert transformation parameters, shifts, rotations and scale factor?

at the moment I try to average translation for x, y and z axis using each of the four pairs of points like:

#x axis
xt1 =  secondary_system1[0] - primary_system1[0]           
xt2 =  secondary_system2[0] - primary_system2[0]
xt3 =  secondary_system3[0] - primary_system3[0]
xt4 =  secondary_system4[0] - primary_system4[0]

xt = (xt1+xt2+xt3+xt4)/4    #averaging

…and so on for y and z axis

#y axis
yt1 =  secondary_system1[1] - primary_system1[1]           
yt2 =  secondary_system2[1] - primary_system2[1]
yt3 =  secondary_system3[1] - primary_system3[1]
yt4 =  secondary_system4[1] - primary_system4[1]

yt = (yt1+yt2+yt3+yt4)/4    #averaging

#z axis
zt1 =  secondary_system1[2] - primary_system1[2]           
zt2 =  secondary_system2[2] - primary_system2[2]
zt3 =  secondary_system3[2] - primary_system3[2]
zt4 =  secondary_system4[2] - primary_system4[2]

zt = (zt1+zt2+zt3+zt4)/4    #averaging

Is it right way?

Best Answer

There is a python wrapper for the proj4 library. Proj4 is a commonly used library for projecting data from one system to another.

Whatever system you do use, it will most likely take the point information in the form (lon, lat) or (y,x). Just something to be aware of - I've made this mistake in the past.

(I'm not familiar with the helmert transformation part of your question.)

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