[GIS] How to pass GeoJSON array to datatable dynamically using Javascript


I want to pass one GeoJSON file to a dynamically created datatable using Javascript, I am unable to identify the column names in the file. I have tried this:

 <table id="example" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">




 $(document).ready(function() {
 $('#example').dataTable( {

  "columns": [

    { "mData": "type" },
    { "mData": "features.type" },
   { "mData": "features.properties" },
    { "mData": "geometry.type" },
   { "mData": "geometry.coordinates.0" },
   { "mData": "geometry.coordinates.1" }

And the GeoJSON file is

   "type": "FeatureCollection",
   "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
       "properties": {},
       "geometry": {
       "type": "LineString",
       "coordinates": [

Output is shown as

Best Answer

Your data is stored in the features array. You can access that by specifying a custom datasource within the ajax property like this: "dataSrc": "features".

I haven't found a way to get the GeoJSON property "type": "FeatureCollection" that way, it is outside of the actual data "rows".

The complete code:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#example').DataTable( {
      "dataSrc": "features"
    "columns": [
      { data: "type" },
      { data: "geometry.type" },
      { data: "properties.propA" },
      { data: "geometry.type" },
      { data: "geometry.coordinates.0" },
      { data: "geometry.coordinates.1" }

Another note, properties is another nested object (see docs here and here) where you will have to be specific with the column names, I used properties.propA as an example. There does not seem to be an easy way to simply list them all.

Demo: https://plnkr.co/edit/fxhlwfARJEQjMStbZMGx