[GIS] How to merge Shapefiles from multiple folders into Geodatabase Featureclass


I have a question regarding the merge of a lot of folders, which has a lot subfolders, which has the shapefiles stored. I would like to merge all those in one geodatabase.
So I thought to use a Python script.

import os, arcpy.da

print os.getcwd()

for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.'):
    for subdirname in dirnames:
        current_dir =  os.path.join(dirname, subdirname)
        arcpy.env.workspace = current_dir
        fcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(".shp")
        Merge = r"D:\Test\Merge_multiple.gdb\Totals"
        for fc in fcList:
            print fc
            arcpy.Rename_management(Merge, destination)

So, I started the script and after a minute it stops and unfortunately, no result. Because there are several different names in the shapefiles, I thought to use only the suffix .shp.

Could you help me?

I get the path of the working directory in the python window. After this message, the window closes without any errors.
enter image description here

Based on PolyGeo's advice, I've run the script also in the IDLE environment and this is the result:

enter image description here

Best Answer

To copy shapefiles from multiple folders into a single geodatabase, you could do this:

import arcpy
import os
ws = #path to input folder
dst = #path to output geodatabase
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in arcpy.da.Walk(ws,datatype="FeatureClass"):
    for file in filenames:
      print file
      filepath = os.path.join(dirpath,file)
      outpath = os.path.join(dst,file[:-4]) #drops the .shp extension
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