[GIS] How to merge multiple file geodatabases into one file geodatabase


I have created a file geodatabase that has several feature data sets, feature classes, and domains. I have created a map with the file geodatabase added to it, converted the map to ARCPAD AXF format and copied the map to several Junos changing the name for each Juno unit. Data is being successfully collected.

My question is: How do I merge all these seperate geodatabases from the Junos into the central file geodatabase that I created originally?

Best Answer

First, welcome to the site!

To check your data back in you need to run Check-In (form the Data Manager Toolbar) for each of the AXF files. This will check modifications (edit, create & delete) back into the parent Geodatabase.

Note that if there are any conflicts, last in wins (ie, new data will overwrite existing data even if that data had changed since checkout). If this is a concern you should use replica geodatabases to check-out from and use ArcGIS Desktop tools to manage conflicts before committing edits to your original geodatabase.

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