[GIS] How to merge attributes fields and their values into a single table using a common key with FME


I am having difficulties with a relatively simple task. I have multiple transformers which append an attribute to an "ElementID" coming from different transformers.
I would like to merge all outputs into a single table based on the ElementID field thus having a schema like "ElementID","Attribute01, Attribute02, Attribute03 instead of having 3 tables with ElementID, Attribute01 in table 1, and ElementID, Attribute02 in table 2 etc.

Not all ElementIDs have all three attributes..ie there will be missing attributes.

How do I achieve this with FME 2014.

Best Answer

Should be simple. You have this:

enter image description here

And you need to get this:

enter image description here


  • Add the attributes from tables 2 and 3 to table 1
  • Delete tables 2 and 3
  • Make connections to Table 1

Here's a short movie demo: http://screencast.com/t/0zKOWIrstTtG