[GIS] How to merge a dataset with geometry an another with number data


I want to merge a dataset with geometry and another with the number data to use.

In each one datasets are a field (codparr in one, and cod_parro in another dataset) with 51 values(3601701,3601702,3601702,…) in each one that are repeated in the other, to use this field as (2nd file / key field) merge…

but I canĀ“t merge datasets.

I attach an capture
enter image description here
( snap…. ) where you can see that I have not the option to MERGE

Further more, after click in each dataset you can see that there no exist the option of MERGE neither in the dataset with numerical data

enter image description here

nor in the dataset with the geometry
enter image description here


a friend of mine, show me that he has a different screen (with the data view / map view in the upper screen)
enter image description here
and have the option, as you can see in capture YES…. whose is similar/equal to the tutorials/guides captures/videos.

Best Answer

You and your friend are using different versions of CARTO. While your friend is on the older UI, CARTO Editor, you're using the newer CARTO Builder.

In CARTO Builder, dataset merges or joins are not performed in the Dataset View, like in the older CARTO Editor, but in the Map View as an Analysis.

Here's a GIF showing the steps to perform such a join.

CARTO Builder Inner Join This GIF is showing an inner join, where only the records that share the key column in both tables are kept. You can learn about different type of joins here

Do note that this join will perform dynamically, meaning that changes in the source datasets will affect the joined dataset. If you wish to only have a resulting, static dataset with both the geometric and numeric data, you can export the layer and import it again to CARTO.