[GIS] How to meet “Contour plugin” and “Profile Tool” dependencies in OSX


So I have two similar but different issues than my previous question, one I may have mentioned already. When attempting to install the Contour plugin I am told I need matplotlib, which I have on my system (v. 1.1.1).

Also, the Profile Tool is telling me I need Qwt5…I have no idea what this is.

I posted earlier about needing Shapely.wkd for the Profile from Line tool, and received a response that the issue has to do with incompatibility between pyQwt5 and pyQwt.

The Contour plugin does not seem to be related to the Qwt5 issue. Is it possible there is a suite of python modules I am missing on my install?

Install: KingChaos 1.8.0 Lisboa
System: MacOSX 10.7.5

I really enjoy QGIS, but I want it to work correctly.

Best Answer

Beyond my comments above. A good practice for installing Python modules is to use pip. Though, for your initial use, I would forgo the setup of a virtualenv at this time as that may complicate your use of those modules from within QGIS (though certainly doable).

As you will be installing pip and Python modules into Mac system areas (/usr/local for pip, modules in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/), you will need to preface any install commands in Terminal with sudo:

sudo pip install Shapely

For matplotlib, consider using the Kynchaos.com installer for that. I'm running 10.7.4 and QGIS (1.8 and master branch build) has no problem finding matplotlib after using said installer.

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