[GIS] How to make the Overlays section in an OpenLayers2 LayerSwitcher exclusive


At the simplest level I need to figure out how to create a customized OpenLayers LayerSwitcher Overlays section which is not using Checkboxes, but uses RadioButtons instead.

For my application its not desirable for the user to be able to select multiple layers. Eventually I'm going to need to be able to create group sections in the Overlay section of the LayerSwitcher, so if anyone has any hints on that I'd appreciate it.

I've seen the customized LayerSwitcher example on the OpenLayers site, but I can only get it to work in Chrome. I need to be able to support Safari on an iPad.

Best Answer

Does this example do what you want? Or are there specific customizations you need on the layer control?


Seems to work on Safari on a pc - though not tried it on an iPad.