[GIS] How to make editable polygons in Google Maps


I've just recently started learning Google maps, JavaScript, etc., and have a few questions about a project that I'd like to do. I'm wanting to take some ESRI shapefiles, convert them to KML, and then make it so that they can be edited online through Google Maps. I'm okay getting them from shapefiles to KML, but unsure about what the best way is (or if it's possible) to make them editable.

Here are some more details:

  • I don't mind if the data are transmitted/stored on Google's servers–as they are not confidential.

  • I just need to be able to have polygons on an embedded Google map that can be saved/stored and edited on a monthly basis. The end goal is the be able to answer, "In which zone does this address fall?".

  • I want to be able to do a local search on the page, and then see in which polygon the address falls.

  • The ability to set up buttons that would allow me zoom to specific polygons and print them would be a plus.

I've checked out Google Map Maker, as well as Google My Places. I think My Places might work, but I would definitely need to make some tweaks.


Best Answer

Google Map Maker is for editing Google's map data, not your own. The My Maps feature under My Places is what you are probably looking for.

Once you have created a map in My Maps you can edit existing features: Edit map features

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