[GIS] How to make a private OSM (Save personal information to) a map using OpenLayers or TileMill or mapbox


OSM (OpenStreetMap) is great for making a real time public map for general purposes but what if I want to add private info to a map such as the location and date of my first kiss or a note about every location I posted fliers etc.

I'd like to know how to add private information to OSM.

I have heard that TileMill or OpenLayers are best for this but cannot find a video tutorial on adding private map data to a private layer and being able to back that info up and update it or transfer it to others to edit or update etc…

As I research more I'm seeing that TileMill/Mapbox are what I am looking for.

Which makes no sense. It is expected that OSM has this functionality and what does the name TileMill have to do with OSM or maps at all? I think a lot is lost in new possible community members coming to OSM for this functionality and being totally confused and sent to something called TileMill.

Still haven't found any video tutorials for TileMill/Mapbox or any clear info that these are in fact what I am searching for.

Best Answer

For a simple way to add markers on top of an OSM based map: uMap

This lets you add markers, or draw lines or areas on the map. You can import data from a GPX, KML, or GeoJSON file etc. It has a number of different tile layers to choose for the background map.

You can share a link to the map if you want, or embed it another webpage. By default, any maps created on uMap are public, but you can set them as private if you want. You can export all of the data to a GeoJSON file, so you could back up that.