PostGIS – How to Locate PostGIS AMIs on Amazon EC2

amazon ec2postgis

There are nearly 7000 AMIs on EC2, but I'm having a difficult time figuring out which ones have what I'm looking for–in this case PostGIS on Linux. No specific version/configuation–I want to check out various ones.

If I enter postgis on the AMI search, I get 6 AMIs:

enter image description here

I know the opengeo AMIs have postgis, but they don't appear. It appears you have to already know which AMI you are looking for or know which keywords to use. In this case, opengeo will get the results. But I wouldn't have known that without prior knowledge (opengeo blog post about their AMIs).

Even once I locate an AMI, I'm having a hard time figuring out what it actually is and what software versions without actually starting an instance. The AWS console tells you platform, but not much else unless the creator put it in the description.

There could actually be more PostGIS AMIs that aren't discoverable. Is there an internet source that tracks PostGIS AMIs? Maybe provides a little more metadata about them?

What are others doing? Just starting with the OS and installing from package or source themselves (right now, I think that's the easier option).

Best Answer

I am just using the stock Ubuntu AMIs that are well described and trustworthy and installing the rest using apt. Its important that the AMI is properly documented (which ubuntu is), otherwise its simpler to just do the setup yourself.