R Tmap Package – How to Limit X and Y Axes


I have made this plot with the following code:

tm_shape(RH2) +
      tm_fill(col="AREAL") +

enter image description here

But there is a dot on the far right (an island) which I don't understand why it is there. Is there a way to limit the plot to avoid all the white spaces? like coord_fixed(xlim=c(7, 12), ylim=c(52, 58)) in ggmap?

Best Answer

Have you read the help for tm_shape? It gives the following parameter:

bbox: bounding box. One of the following:

        • A bounding box (an ‘sf’ bbox object, see ‘st_bbox’, a 2
          by 2 matrix (used by the ‘sp’ package), or an ‘Extent’
          object used by the ‘raster’ package).

Its in map units rather than lat-long, so with the World data from the help you can do:

tm_shape(World, bbox=tmaptools::bb(matrix(c(0,0,2000000,2000000),2,2))) +tm_polygons()
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