[GIS] How to intersect lines and polygons in R


Following on from an answer about intersecting polygons with lines to chop up a polygon into smaller polygon units (in QGIS), I wanted to try the same thing in R. However, I cannot seem to find a method that works!

over() doesn't have a method for polygons intersecting with lines; I found gIntersection() from rgeos but it fails:


poly <- readShapePoly("polygon.shp")
lines <- readShapeLines("lines.shp")

chopped <- gIntersection(poly, lines)


Error in RGEOSBinTopoFunc(spgeom1, spgeom2, byid, id, "rgeos_intersection") : 
  UnsupportedOperationException: GeometryGraph::add(Geometry *): unknown geometry type: N4geos4geom18GeometryCollectionE

Update: Here's a link to the files in question.

Update 2: PaulG notes that it works and after updating rgeos and R I got rid of the error above. Thanks PaulG …

However, gIntersection results in a SpatialLines object no matter whether I put in (poly, lines) or (lines, poly) – whereas the operation I did in QGIS (or Arc, back in the bad ol' days) will divide a polygon with the lines and result in a polygon object, not line.

So, how do I chop up my polygon with the lines and get polygons out?

Best Answer

You could try using RSAGA. I'm not too familiar with it myself, but the command would be something like:

rsaga.geoprocessor("libshapes_polygons", "Polygon-Line Intersection", list(POLYGONS="polygonshape.shp",LINES="lineshape.shp",INTERSECT="result.shp"))
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