[GIS] How to interpolate temperature correctly


I tried to interpolate the mean average annual temperature to produce a "realistic" surface. In QGIS I used Raster-Interpolation-Interpolation. Both methods TIN and IDW did not deliver a "realistic" surface (e.g. compared to a good map in an atlas).

IDW (factor 3):

IDW with factor 3

TIN (also showing the interpolation points):

TIN linear showing also my interpolation points

Any hints how to get a "better, more realistic" interpolation?

Best Answer

You may take the elevation-temperature relationship into account, especially in mountainous areas. Co-kriging or splines interpolation (e.g., 3D splines as supported by GRASS GIS) can be used for this. For larger areas further variables may play a role: distance from the sea, latitude, etc.

Update: a reasonable method may also be multiple regression, for GRASS 7 there is a new Addon: r.regression.multi

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