[GIS] how to install QGIS 2.2.0 on mac OS 10.6.8


Does someone know how to install the latest QGIS on a mac os 10.6.8? The dmg package available on http://www.kyngchaos.com/software/qgis does not run on my OS version.
I was only able to find a developement version of QGIS from Sept 2013 which is not fully stable.

Best Answer

You can try compiling it yourself using the OSGeo4Mac Homebrew tap.

Install XCode and Homebrew, then:

brew update
brew tap homebrew/science
brew tap osgeo/osgeo4mac
brew info qgis-22
# review the options you want for install, e.g. --with-grass --with-globe
brew install qgis-22  [--with-options...]

The install on Mac 10.6.8 using OSGeo4Mac has not been fully tested (will be soon). You may run into issues, specifically if using Apple's older gcc-4.2 compiler, instead of clang.

Please report any issues you have with formulae from that tap to the OSGeo4Mac tracker. Other formulae issues, from upstream Homebrew taps, should be reported on their respective trackers.