[GIS] How to install PostGIS 1.5 on Mac OS 10.5


I am running PostgreSQL 9.0 on Mac OS 10.5. I've installed postgis-pg90-1.5.3-1-osx through "Stack Builder" but still don't see postgis in my list of databases when I open PgAdmin. When I open my Qgis 1.7, I can connect to my postgres database and display all tables with no spatial geometry. However, when I try to query a non-spatial table, I get the following message "Your database has no working PostGIS support". I appreciate your ideas to get postgis to integrate into postgresql. Thanks!

Thanks for your ideas! Unfortunately, the first link (http://www.kyngchaos.com/software/postgres) is limited to "…Lion and Snow Leopard, 64bit only." I'm using Leopard (Mac OS 10.5). The second link (http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/UsersWikiPackages) provides two options. Both of these (http://yum.postgresql.org/repopackages.php) & (http://www.postgresonline.com/journal/archives/204-postgis15-install-yum.html) point to Linux installations. So, I'm still stuck. I've downloaded PostGIS 1.5 using Application Stack Builder 3.0.0 from PostgreSQL 9.0. It installs, but does not run. I appreciate any other

Best Answer

I used this website to install the same version of PG you are using on my Mac.


It includes instructions for Postgis installation.

This is another website with more options:


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