[GIS] How to install older GDAL v1.11 on Ubuntu 16.04 instead of v2.1.3


I have another question going on this forum regarding GDAL 2.1 ogrinfo not working at Trying to get GDAL 2.x to work, but ogrinfo reports ERROR 3: and ERROR 4: and "Failed to open table res_t48.PAT", but in parallel, as a fix to an apparently "broken" ogrinfo 2.1 reading coverages, I'd like to see if I can just go back to gdal v1.11 on Ubuntu 16.04.

Can anyone tell me how to install an older version of gdal on Ubuntu 16.04 when "apt-get install gdal-bin" installs v2.1.3? What repositories do I have to point to, or what packages do I install?

Best Answer

You can see what versions are available on the repository using apt-cache policy gdal-bin and then install a specific version using sudo apt-get install gdal-bin=1.11

UbuntuGIS has several versions available and can be added as a repository using sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa