[GIS] How to install mapserver on Windows/Apache


We need to get an internal instance of MapServer up and running. We want to use Apache and not IIS because we already have an Apache 2.4 instance up and running on our office intranet.

The Windows builds are available from a number of websites on this page: http://mapserver.org/download.html#windows

I chose the Gisinternals build because it has daily builds, and the packages are available as Zip distributions.

I need to run MapServer as a CGI from Apache.

There is a lack of accurate information on the internet about how to get this installed, configured and running correctly with Apache on Windows and I have been struggling for the last 2 days without success. Searched for over 6 hours today, trying various configurations and still got nowhere. I'm very exhausted frustrated.

If you have managed to get MapServer up and running with Apache on Windows, please tell me how you did it, which build you used and step by step configuration details. I also want to use it with mod-fastcgid.

This could become a great community post that would help others in the same situation.

I got it up and running by copying the DLL files to the same CGI-Bin directory where the mapserver executable resides. However now I get the error:

mapserv(): Web application error. Traditional BROWSE mode requires a
TEMPLATE in the WEB section, but none was provided.

The url I browsed to looks like this:

Still looking for a good step-by-step guide to setting this up though..

Best Answer

I'm using a ms4w build http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/. It's quite enough for me, but it seems to be frozen. Also you can use OSGeo4w package http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/.

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