[GIS] How to install GDAL and QGIS on a Raspberry Pi

gdallinuxraspberry pi

I would like to run GDAL QGIS on Raspberry Pi to act as an affordable GIS processing engine.
The plan is to buy about 50 Pis.

Does anybody have any links or information on installing and running GDAL on Raspberry Pi or just on installing GDAL in RASPBIAN environment?

As best I can see Raspbian is my top choice and it is Debian based but ARCH, RASPBMC, PIDORA, RISC OS, and OPENELEC are the flavors of linux open to me out of the box.

Hopefully with Python.

Best Answer

  1. Install Raspbian:
  2. Update Raspbian from its Debian wheezy base to Debian jessie:
    • sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list # or use your favourite editor
    • change all references of wheezy to jessie
    • sudo apt-get update
    • sudo apt-get upgrade # this will take a long time, with occasional user prompts
    • sudo apt-get dist-upgrade # this will take a very long time
  3. Install qgis: sudo apt-get install gdal-bin qgis

This will install QGIS 2.2: QGIS running on Raspbian

It's a bit slow, but seems to work as expected. Large geographic queries are pretty painful.

Update: It's just updated to 2.4 in Raspbian Jessie. It works.