[GIS] How to insert raster in PostGIS from java JDBC


I have been looking for a solution to store dynamically generated raster data into PostGIS from java and PostGIS JDBC.

I am working with geotools toolkit but i am unable to find any documentation that fit my needs.

Here is what I've tried:

I am currently importing com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryCollection using java jdbc and preparedStatement like so:

PreparedStatement p = 
   conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO myGeometryTable (geom) VALUES (?)");

p.setObject(1, (PGgeometry) convertToPGgeometry(geometryCollection));

So I though it would be the same for raster, but there is no PGraster type. My raster object is a GridCoverageLayer that implement RasterLayer.

I got a simple table created with this sql command

CREATE TABLE myRasterTable ("rid" serial PRIMARY KEY,"rast" raster);
PreparedStatement p = 
   conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO myRasterTable (rast) VALUES (?)");

p.setObject(1, (PGraster) myRasterType);

Almost every solution to store raster in postgis involve using raster2pgsql. raster2pgsql create a sql file that serialize a raster image (geotiff in my case). The output is like so:

INSERT INTO "public"."test" ("rast") VALUES ('01000001000000F ... I think it is Hex format '::raster);
CREATE INDEX "test_rast_gist" ON "public"."test" USING gist (st_convexhull("rast"));

I don't know if I can do the same using java

Best Answer

You need to translate your raster into PostGIS compatible WKB Raster data.

We wrote an ImageIO driver that translate RenderedImage into WKB raster InputStream.

That driver is part of a raster storage and processing support on embedded java database H2.

This is a work in progress feature, we hope to merge that in the H2 database master branch in some times.

You can find this driver here (MPL 2.0,EPL 1.0 license):


You can find a sample of transfering an image through JDBC here:


It is working the same way with PostGIS.

I will update this answer as soon as all will be merged (if Thomas Mueller agree to merge)