[GIS] How to insert a GeoJSON polygon into a PostGIS table


I need to insert a polygon from GeoJSON to my PostGIS table. This is how the SQL query looks like.

INSERT INTO tablename (name, polygon)
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [

Unfortunately, I get an error message.

ERROR:  Geometry SRID (0) does not match column SRID (3857)

The GeoJSON is already in the right reference system. But this isn't specified. How do I specify the SRID in the GeoJSON? What does the GeoJSON need to look like?

Update: When I wrap the geometry created by ST_GeomFromGeoJSON with ST_SetSRID(..., 3857) it throws another error. In my view it doesn't seem that the geometry has a Z dimension.

ERROR:  Geometry has Z dimension but column does not

Best Answer

Taking a look at the source code of PostGIS I found out how it parses SRIDs. Here is the correct way to specify the SRID in GeoJSON.

The GeoJSON specification says that the coordinates of a polygon are an array of line strings. Therefore I had to wrap them with additional brackets.
