[GIS] How to import .tab file from mapinfo to QGIS with same color on symbol


I am apprentice Drivetest Analyzer. I want to see color in QGIS like Mapinfo. This is my step.

1.I'm open log file from Drivetest Engineer by Actix

2.I'm export this file to .tab and open in Mapinfo

3.And add vector layer from .tab file to see in QGIS but the color dosen't same like Mapinfo

This is my question : How can I do to see .tab in QGIS with same color in Mapinfo

Best Answer

Nathan Woodrow has developed a piece of Python to do just this, called the "MapInfo to QGIS Style Generator". It works by exporting the style information from MapInfo at a text file and then the python tool reads this into a qml file format for QGIS.

I haven't tested it as I don't have a copy of MapInfo to work on but you can find the instructions and the download on github here: https://github.com/NathanW2/MapInfo-to-QGIS-style-generator/wiki/Using-MapInfo-to-QGIS-style-generator

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