How to Import KML File with Custom Data to Postgres/PostGIS Database


By custom, I don't mean a different structure of KML file, but in <description></description> section, I have data with HTML tags of this kind:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
  <name>New York City</name>
      <tr><td colspan='2'>Attributes</td></tr>

I want to easily import all this data, for each placemark, to a table with corresponding columns in the database, how to do this?

Best Answer

you can use ST_GeomFromKML as this page.


or you can use ogr2ogr as following to process entire KML files;

ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=yourhost user=youruser dbname=yourdb 
                            password=yourpass" inputfilename.kml

i hope it helps you...

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