[GIS] How to import GPS waypoint, track info into ArcMap 10.2


I heard that ArcMap 10.2 can import waypoint and track information directly from a GPS without bridging it from MapSource or BaseCamp software. Can someone give me tutorial or link to a video that I could watch? I use a Garmin 60CSx unit.

Best Answer

Although not a tutorial or video, ArcMap GPS Support at ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop seems to be well documented:

A roadmap to the ArcMap GPS Support toolbar

ArcMap GPS Support takes in a feed from a GPS receiver and displays the current location on the screen. You can also store locations from the GPS receiver in a log for archival or real-time digitizing purposes. You can answer the question “Where am I?” by accessing ArcMap GPS Support through the GPS toolbar in ArcMap or by writing a custom application using ArcObjects.

The location is displayed as a user-defined marker symbol. You can have the angle of the marker symbol reflect the direction of motion (bearing), the size based upon the current speed of travel, and the color based upon the altitude. Previous locations can be displayed as a trail of markers or as a line that you can also customize. The trail of previous positions can reflect changes in bearing, speed, and altitude.

You can keep the location visible on the screen by panning as needed or have the display pan automatically. For applications like in-car navigation and routing systems, you can snap the location to specified features, such as a street centerline. You can write GPS locations to a log either in streaming mode (at a specified rate or distance apart) or one at a time. When a log file is specified, you have the option of choosing which columns are added to the output feature class.

If, after exploring the information and links on that page, you are still stuck, then you will be in a much better position to ask a new, and more focussed, question.