ArcGIS KML – Importing and Exporting KML to ArcGIS Desktop


I have come across several scripts and tools to import and export KML into ArcGIS Desktop.

Is there a one tool that:

  • Imports/Exports KML into ArcGIS Desktop at v10
  • Does not cost money
  • Ideally maintains attributes between the packages
  • Ideally does not require additional software to be installed

I would also like to be recommended tools that people have had 1st hand experience with.
ArcScripts, Google, and the blogs I read all talk about a number of methods, but would like to identify a recommended one.

Best Answer

A "Clear Winner" is too subjective of a question. Since you indicated cost as a criteria, here are some free (or built-in) options:

KMLToLayer tool is available in ArcGIS 10 which puts the data straight into a file geodatabase:

KMLToLayer_conversion (in_kml_file, output_folder, {output_data})

Your question is closely aligned with How to convert between KML and Esri's shapefile (SHP) format? which has options that get you to shapefile: such as ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile' output.shp input.kml and ET GeoWizards.

There are others (go to the question and +1 the good answers).

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