[GIS] How to import DWG file from CorelDraw to MapInfo project


I have to make polygons of some protected areas in MapInfo. I have the WMS with the protected areas loaded into mapinfo but making polygons from the WMS will take me years.

So I took the following steps:
-saved the window (.jpg) with polygons from WMS that I was interested in,
-imported the .jpg in CorelDraw,
-traced the bitmap so I had only vectorized contour of the polygons
-exported it as .dwg file
-created .tab file from .dwg file in MapInfo Universal Translator

And at this point I have a problem. When I open the new .tab file based on CorelWork in MapInfo with georeferenced map or the WMS with protected areas, the new .tab and my polygons are in totally different place and much smaller (few meters comparing to kilometres) than original polygons in WMS. Corel works in cm/in/mm etc. and my project in mapinfo has hundreds of km.

Can you help me fit polygons from .tab based on Corel to .tab with proper scale and projection? Sorry if I'm chaotic. Corel and MapInfo are the only programs I can use. I have no access to AutoCad and so on.

Best Answer

There is a tool named "Register Vector" that comes with MapInfo. You need to enable it first in Tools/Tools Manager... and then it will show up in Tools menu.

This utility allows you to copy a table of vector objects (regions, polylines, points, etc.) from one location to another, by specifying target locations for three points in the original table. In the process the vector table is transformed, skewed, scaled and rotated to display properly.

Examples would be a DXF or ESRI shape file that was imported with wrong projection or no projection at all - which is exactly your case.

enter image description here

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