[GIS] How to import ArcGIS 10.1 File geodatabase to MS SQL Server 2012

arcgis-10.1arcgis-desktopfile-geodatabasespatial-databasesql server

I would like to import my File Geodatabase from ArcGIS 10.1 into MS SQL Server 2012.

I have never done it before, so I expect to do the import the same way as import data from excel table.

Problem is when I open MS SQL Server Import wizard and as a data source I choose Esri geodatabse OLE DB provider – an error occured:

ClassFactory cannot get required class. (Microsoft OLE DB Service Components)

Please does anybody know what I´m doing wrong, or is there some easiest way, for example with ArcSDE?

Best Answer

ArcSDE is the best option to Import and Manage your Geodatabase in Database servers ( SQL server,Oracle ,...) . You can't import File Geodatabase or Personal Geodatabase directly in SQL server . you should use ArcSDE software . The Geodatabase type of ArcSDE is SDE Geodatabase not File Geodatabse. I think you should use ArcSDE to Import And Manage your Geodatabase. Don't doubt to change of Geodatabase type from File to SDE Geodatabase. maybe you'd like to use Permissions,Versioning,History,syncronizing and another capabilities of SDE Geodatabase.