[GIS] How to identify WMS layers on click


I need to add interactivity to several WMS layers using leaflet, the problem i have is how i can identify what layer the user is clicking, i usually use geojson for this and is easy, but for WMS layers how i can achieve this?

I have seen this question, i guess i can iterate over the layers but then again how i can know which one is the one i need?

Best Answer

WMS layers are raster - which means they are images, even if they have transparent pixels.

In other words: if a user clicks on a transparent pixel on a WMS layer, she is still clicking on the WMS layer. The only exception is clicking outside of the layer bounds.

You might want to run a getFeatureInfo WMS request on the top-most WMS layer, see if there is any meaningful result at the clicked point, then iterate through other layers.

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